You never know -- there could be trigger words. I ought to PM you or Skype you, to talk about this deeper -- I've not only been at the receiving end of things like these, but I've also had one incident like this where I found no other option but to respond with nearly the same vitriol that was given to me.
It all boils down to what one believes one can do, and it's complicated, I know. But the balance has to be maintained between pointing out flaws and good things, and going into the territory of beating one's art down. (I've taken a look at your art reviews by the way; I don't know what review could have caused such furore through a PM of any kind. If anything, you seem to give compliments quite a lot, and when something's off, you actually say something's off.)
I feel you right there. Some of us don't even know whether to call it denial -- it could be a mere lack of confidence, not even knowing one's full worth...
Yeh I gave a very polite review of someones art and I was so baffled by there pm response.
It actually broke my mind. But people like that exist what can you do.